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Please add your support for S. 326—the Veterans Programs Improvement Act of 2023. This legislation includes provisions from five bills unanimously approved by the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee (SVAC) in February. All of these bills are in alignment with at least one DAV resolution. This bipartisan legislative package is expected to be considered in the Senate on Wednesday, April 26, and includes the following bills:

  • S. 106, the Commitment to Veteran Support and Outreach Act (Resolution Nos. 014 and 059)
  • S. 141, the Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act (Resolution No. 427)
  • S. 185, the Native American Direct Loan Improvement Act of 2023 (Resolution No. 251)
  • S. 216, the RESPECT Act of 2023 (Resolution Nos. 059, 082 and 427)
  • S. 326, the VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act of 2023 (Resolution No. 128)

This legislative package will help improve outreach and assistance to veterans and their families to ensure they are informed about veterans benefits and services; expand long-term care options for aging veterans and improve services for veterans and caregivers in VA's comprehensive caregiver program; offer better home loan options to Native American veterans and require the VA to conduct a study on the effects of cannabis on veterans with chronic pain or post-traumatic stress disorder. DAV supports this legislation in accordance with the resolutions listed above.

Urgent action is needed because this could be voted on as soon as tomorrow. Please send the prepared email urging your Senator to support and pass S. 326—the Veterans Programs Improvement Act of 2023. We appreciate your continued support through the DAV Commander's Action Network.