Elliot Smith


PENSACOLA, Fla. (WEAR) — A Pensacola Army Veteran is getting a fresh start as a non-profit organization breaks ground on a specifically adapted custom home for the soldier.

Army Specialist Elliot Smith lost his leg after being pinned by a battle tank while serving in Iraq. When he returned home, he struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder, also referred to as PTSD, and addiction.

"I've been able to rebuild myself and I've been able to rebuild my life. I've just immersed myself in the Veteran community and recovering addict community and I have a huge family there now,” says Smith.

In Smith’s current home, there are several steps leading up to the front door making it difficult to walk on his prosthetic or use his wheelchair.

His new home will be single-level and include automatic doors, larger hallways and a roll-in shower.

You can find more information on how to get involved with organization Homes for our Troops here.


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